I remember reading an article about a decade ago saying something like, almost without exception, National Geographic-level photographers realize they are documenting the end of the world. It's very quickly becoming obvious at my level of outdoor photography. The grand scenic photo in the American west is almost always damaged by never ending summer 'haze' now, caused mostly by wildfires. Who knows how many billions of animals have been killed in the now-annual massive wildfires. Here in Colorado, I have to think a large percentage of the moose population likely died in last summer's wildfires. An article just a couple weeks ago hypothesized that a billion coastal sea animals died in last month's northwestern heat wave, mostly shellfish like clams and mussels effectively cooked alive in their shells in the record hot sun. And now this - the decimation of a year's hatchling birds in some areas and species. One can easily see the crash of species if such heat waves occur regularly for 5,6,7 or more years. I personally think we've already passed the tipping point and horrific climate change is going to occur regardless of what we do too little, too late. Recent news like this does not diminish that belief...